People are sharing photos of their 'unglamorous' work-from-home spaces as offices shut down due to t

Publish date: 2024-07-04

As offices around the world close their doors and people begin working from home due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many are showing off their beautiful work setups

But not everyone is typing away or taking calls in perfectly color-coordinated spaces, with artwork hanging on the walls and fresh flowers in beautiful vases. 

Many took to Twitter to share their "unglamorous" home offices, creating makeshift desks using everything from laundry baskets and recycling bins to washing machines and a tiny children's piano. 

The Twitter thread was created by Jules Forrest, who shared a photo of her laptop on a clothes hamper with a chair pushed up against the front door of her studio apartment. 

—Jules Forrest (@julesforrest) March 13, 2020

Forrest's tweet inspired numerous people to share their own very creative work spaces at home

—Josh Mateo (@joshmateo) March 13, 2020—Jimmy Mooney (@jimmy0x52) March 14, 2020—Sabrina Monarch - Astrologer (@sabrina_monarch) March 13, 2020—Bae_leee (@BAE_leee) March 13, 2020

Forrest told Insider that she was inspired to start the thread after she saw "a lot of people on Twitter posting very nice and thoughtfully-designed home office setups." 

"I thought it would be a funny contrast to post something that was totally the opposite, because I knew plenty of people must be as unprepared for the extended work from home situation as I was," she added. 

Forrest said she usually works from the couch in her studio, unless she and her partner both have meetings at the same time. 

"When that happens, I go to the furthest corner of our small studio apartment and use the hamper," she said. "It's proved to be a good table substitute. Over the weekend, we set up a laptop on it next to the kitchen table so we could have 'dinner' with friends on FaceTime." 

—Laura (@LaLorenz) March 13, 2020—Larry Cornett (@cornett) March 14, 2020—Camilla Ferrell (@cmaferrell) March 13, 2020—Nathan Hood Real Estate (@nathanhood) March 14, 2020

Forrest said she wasn't very shocked that her thread went viral "given the scale of the whole situation," but she was definitely impressed by people's work-from-home setups. 

"I was more surprised at how creative some of the solutions were," she said. "Especially the people who were using ironing boards as adjustable height desks." 

Brad Cahoon was one of the many people who responded to the thread, sharing a picture of a standing desk that he made out of packs of toilet paper from Costco. 

—Brad Cahoon (@iambradcahoon) March 13, 2020

Cahoon, an online business owner and father of three boys, told Insider that working from home has been a juggling act.

"I'm constantly switching from task to task like monitoring my ads costs, playing Legos, and making sure my employees are taken care of," he said. 

"At the end of the day, my wife and I are just worn out," he added. "Our home setup is 100% utilitarian right now, and I think that helps us feel a bit more in control during a time of worldwide uncertainty." 

Sandy also commented on the thread, sharing a photo of her "fancy treadmill desk." 

—🌊 twiztwit (@twiztwit) March 13, 2020

Sandy told Insider that she normally relies on her commute to get her steps in and was "bummed" that she would lose the exercise while working from home. But then, she got an idea.

"The treadmill was staring at me from the other room," she said. "I started taking calls without the shelf. Then I wanted my iPad or laptop during calls. So I asked my husband to scrounge around for a scrap of wood." 

Sandy said she's "kind of a homebody" and doesn't mind being at home but that her two children, aged 17 and 20, are "driving me nuts." 

"They're suddenly bored doing the same things they always do!" she added. 

But Sandy said she believes that sharing "unglamorous" work-from-home spaces is a way to find connection during these difficult times. 

"We're all in this together," she said. "It helps to commiserate." 
